Dr Selma Bartholomew stands with you and for you! It’s time for our city to deliver real results and change!

How are you? How are your children doing? How are you feeling about our city?


From zip code to zip code, we’ll make available to neighborhoods a tool to measure health, safety, and function: psychological, social/community, economic and family metrics. Where there is a need for more recreation areas for kids or social centers, we will ACT.
We’ll make our subways safe and engage and reward (with free rides) those regular riders, Grey Birds in honor of our beloved Flaco, who will report, never intervene, on mentally ill individuals in need of help, sick passengers, and those who do acts of kindness to the MTA. We will assess station and platform cleanliness and safety. We’ll act against gang recruitment and violence with education, redirection programs, and enforcement. And we’ll regulate bikes and motorcycles for all our safet

First 100 days as Mayor of NYC, clean up NYC streets. We’ll engage and build
stronger relationships with business owners, property owners, and launch a city
campaign where New Yorkers Do the Work Together. Put in place clean-up and
DIY sprucing up of homes and apartment buildings. We’ll add in a volunteer day
of fun service to get children involved.

We’ll establish Dignity and Care Oversight Board (DCOB) ensuring fair and compassionate oversight from those who work with the mentally ill for new and creative long-term solutions. The DCOB, an independent body, will review case files of mentally ill NY residents and make informed decisions about involuntary commitment and placement. Networks of Care will support and guide those who need it through recovery, growth, and stability. Not all mentally ill are the same and each person should be treated in the exact manner he or she needs.

We’ll make Access-A-Ride services — no more leaving seniors on sidewalks for hours; engage trusted service providers; enhance
training for senior aides and prioritize feedback.

We’ll streamline systems and applications and establish Networks of Care to bridge support for our seniors by
creating an Intergenerational Resource Hub and support centers.

Building a Wheelhouse and a Wagon Full of Opportunities. Make a deep investment in art, music, diverse sports, and STEAM as the cornerstone of education because they help children dream and grow. Equip 1.5 million children and youth with water safety skills, situational awareness, and learn to swim within four years. Help define their passion and path–college, careers, trades, and purpose-driven endeavors. Shift the culture to where parents and educators can work together to systematically prepare our graduates for success.

We’ll tap into the intellectual and creative hubs of the city to create Financial
Wellness Hubs that intentionally create work and service opportunities for
youth and our most vulnerable. Foster relationships with youth and seniors. Create
programs that are friends to small businesses. Let’s remove barriers to building
enterprises, economic health, and a legacy of wealth.

We will strengthen relationships by engaging homeowners and renters to shape New York City’s future while honoring its rich history. Reimagine neighborhoods through innovative solutions that begin with single-family homeowners and their tenants. We will help build equity while preserving the vision and integrity of the American dream. Focus on building around needs, creating affordable villages for the future.
We will invest in equipping community members, youth, and police officers with leadership skills, and use the Quality-of-Life Index to inform key actions and strategies to grow our kids and each other.

Encourage our youth and emerging adults who are facing financial hardships, extend free metro card/omni for any youth between 18 and 21. Most of our young people are barely making minimum wage, traveling several days to trade school or college. Let’s ensure they don’t opt out by investing in their future.